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  • Writer's pictureEmily Evans

Week 1 - Unpacking the Brief

The first post always feels like the hardest!

Today marks the start of our project, as we begin our pre-production phase. At the moment, our plan is to do a retro-futuristic apartment with emphasis on 80s/90s props.

I say at the moment, because we still need to present our idea and get Greenlighted by the University. If we're able to get our scope under control and present detailed asset list with a solid schedule then I think we'll be ok.

To help with preventing burn out - we're going to try to work on this project during normal office hours. This is particularly important because two of our team are currently working part time for different Game Studios two days a week. The university expects us to work for a minimum of four days a week on this project which works really well as we can still have that one day as a buffer, just in case.

We've been told this unit is all about making something that we're passionate about and our final push to get our best work so keeping everything crossed that it works out. Day one and I'm feeling pretty excited!


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