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  • Writer's pictureEmily Evans

Plodding Along

This week has been a strange one. There was some confusion in regards to who would be greenlighting our project which sort of threw us a little. Although we haven't technically done an official presentation, we've run through our work with our 3D tutor who gave us the go-ahead which was a huge relief! Our hard work up to this point wasn't wasted.

All around everyone seems really impressed with how organised we're being. This is probably because two of us are quite anxious people so by outlining the project and having contingency plans in place, it keeps us as relaxed as we can be.

We received some general advice from our art tutor last week and he outlined his design process. He mentioned that he would gather 500 reference images for a new design before narrowing it down to 250. We took this advice quite literally and our Miro board is so full of photos, we're having to screen shot them in groups to help speed up load times.

We all thought 500 sounded like loads so we gathered just that, loads. Turns out we've probably got double that which explains the load times.

We're just refining the images now and selecting out pieces of furniture that appear in more than one ref photo. Trying to be as authentic to the time period as we can. We are trying not to create an apartment that uses items that have been made to look 80s themed but instead are genuinely from the time period. It is hard because cameras didn't become digital until much much later so most people's photos are hard copies. We've had to rely a lot on films from the era that aren't considered stylised and reference them with the few real photos that we have. Just to cover ourselves. The last thing we want is to recreate a scene that looks like it could be plucked out of John Hughes imagination.

I'll be moving in to Unreal this week to iron out some of the room measurements and nail down which kit pieces we need.

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