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  • Writer's pictureEmily Evans

Organisation is key!

There is something so relaxing about getting super organised with a project. Using Miro has meant we can store everything in one place too which saves us having loads of tabs open at once.

We have compiled a full list of assets that we intend to research. Each of the assets has been broken up into phases and then broken down further using a RAG rating. The idea behind the phases is that it allows us to scope the project. If we're only able to finish phase 1 and 2 then phase 3 and 4 will not be taken into our next module.

The RAG rating allows us to prioritise assets in each phase and should help us utilise our time more wisely.

Our Schedule currently contains a sticky note, colour coded for each person. If someone has other commitments on a particular day then they're able to alert the other team members easily.

If there is an item that someone is working on - the sticky note is copied over from the asset list and changed to their corresponding colour. This means that the team can easily see what everyone is working on and when.

At the end of each day, there will be a Discord Drop.

Our Discord Server has been designed to again, aid our organisation. This allows us to keep relevant chats or links contained in particular text channels.

This also allows us to have a place to post our WIP shots that won't clog up much-needed channels for communication.

Starting this project with such a mutual agreement of the importance of staying organised should hopefully set us up for success. This is made doubly important by the fact this is all being run virtually with no chance of actual face to face meetings.

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