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  • Writer's pictureEmily Evans

Don't hide behind the words

If you'd have asked me a month ago if I would be taking advantage of our Easter Holidays and having a break, I would never have believed you. But here we are - having not posted for a month after exactly a that, a break. I wish I could say it's because we all needed some time away from the computer but in all honesty, I feel we lost sight of the end goal and were all feeling slightly overwhelmed. None of us was confident enough to reach out and express our concerns in case they were met with resistance from other team members,(not that any of us are particularly hostile people).

For me at least, it was the idea of letting the team down because I couldn't fully envision the idea we had originally set out to achieve. We had spent the past few weeks gathering references to give the vibe of the 80s/90s apartment but had no idea how to actually apply these to be of any actual use.

Thankfully, we had scheduled weekly voice calls and this is where we were able to all be completely honest with each other. Having the discord servers text channels are convenient and extremely useful but it's very easy to misinterpret the tone and meaning behind just words. It's almost an unspoken rule among us that if things feel like they could become heated or there is a misunderstanding then we have to jump in the voice channel. I truly believe this is one of the reasons why we're such a strong team. It's so easy to get lost in the land of text and we end up forgetting how someone actually sounds when they speak. Voice is needed to prevent us from hiding. It's a lot easier to type 'Yeah, I'm all good.' and sound convincing than it is to say it.

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